Wednesday, November 7, 2007


The other day Joseph and I were getting out of the car in our garage and I started saying "butts the butts" because that is what he always says even though I have no idea what he means. He started getting very excited and saying yeah "butts the butts", "butts the butts". I had no idea why he was so excited but as we got to the garage door I realized why. He wanted to "PUSH THE BUTTON" which is what I always say to him when I ask him to push the garage door button. It finally occurred to both of us that we each understood one another and we were so happy. So always remember to butts the butts and have a good day!

1 comment:

Kelley said...

Aaahhh--don't you feel so much better when you solve the mystery? For months I've thought Grant was saying, "He's a doctor" when he's playing trains...turns out he meant "conDUCTor," as in train conductor. Case closed.