Thursday, December 27, 2007

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

X-mas Family Pic

Ok, so this all we have to show for a family picture this Christmas. The last family picture we took was the one where we were at the fair behind the corn dog cut out. I think I want the next one to be a little more glamorous. Did you notice how I got the shoe off of Jogi's foot?


Here is Joseph with great-great Aunt Hallie. Yep, she is Great too! Seconds after this picture was taken Joseph slid off the table he was sitting on. We caught it on our video camera also. It was a teeny weeny itsy bitsy bit funny. He didn't get hurt. As Joseph would say "oospsy daisy"

Elvon and Joseph Spend quality time

Here is a picture of Joseph with his Great-Great Uncle Elvon on Christmas. (Yep, he is really Great!) Joseph calls him "Elbon". We definitely love him. This is where Joseph gets his long and lean features from.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Fairy Godmother

Here is Joseph with Erin, his Godmother. What a beautiful picture. I love how the light is shining down on them. That's because they are both so special! We had such a great visit with Erin and Bowen. I miss you Erin!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Do you want Ketchup with that?

Yesterday when Joseph was eating his very healthy and nutritious french fries (not), he kept saying "cockeye, cockeye". I said to Dan, "Dan, I think that he is calling french fries 'cockeyes'." Dan replied," No he isn't, he is asking for cookies." I said, "Joseph, say cookie," and Joseph replied "coke". Then I said, "Joseph, say French Fries" and Joseph said, "Cockeye". So the debate was over. Cockeye it is. And for your added enjoyment here is a googled image of cockeye. Enjoy ya!

Wednesday, November 7, 2007


The other day Joseph and I were getting out of the car in our garage and I started saying "butts the butts" because that is what he always says even though I have no idea what he means. He started getting very excited and saying yeah "butts the butts", "butts the butts". I had no idea why he was so excited but as we got to the garage door I realized why. He wanted to "PUSH THE BUTTON" which is what I always say to him when I ask him to push the garage door button. It finally occurred to both of us that we each understood one another and we were so happy. So always remember to butts the butts and have a good day!

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Born to be wild

Exhibit A.

Exhibit B.
Exhibit A. is what happens when your child is given too much Halloween candy. However it does make for a very realistic looking lion.
Exhibit B. is no exhibit really just my sweet little baby. Toodler actually.

French Madame and Lion

3 adults+3 Cameras=1 sad faced Halloween Picture

And I nabbed the only picture! We were snapping away and finally got all of the cousins to sit for a split magical second. AH how I wish I could photo shop happy eyes and smiles onto their beautiful faces!

Sunday, September 23, 2007

The Petting Zoo

Lakeville had " Harvest Fest" this week so we decided to go. They had a petting zoo! Joseph was a little frightened at first, but he became more comfortable as time went on. It seemed as if he kept daring himself to go and touch the animals. He was giggling the whole time.He was very gentle with the animals. I thought that he would tear their hair out or something and cause pandemonium but he was a sweet little angel. Of course he was right;) ?!

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Uncle Greg!

Joseph just loves his Uncle Greg. Every time Joseph, Greg, and I go out together people automatically assume that Greg is Joseph's dad because they look so much alike. It's bizarre.

Joseph's Harem

I think that he will appreciate his picture with the Minnesota Viking Girls one day. He looks a little overwhelmed right now though. Too many mammaries.

Professional Family Picture Time

Ok, maybe not so professional. Dan couldn't get his whole face in because he was holding Joseph up. What a strong guy!

Sno Cone at the Minnesota State Fair!

Here is Joseph's very first sno cone....

Can you see Joseph's very first sno cone 1 minute later behind him?
Oh well.

After a long day at the Fair...

Asleep and dreaming of corn dogs and chocolate milk.

Sunday, September 2, 2007


These pictures make me so happy.

Joseph's First Bike

He is such a big boy now! Thanks Gami and Grandpa for the new Bike!

Sunday, August 26, 2007

The Breakfast of Champions (at Dinner time)

Wow, Joseph may be a chef just like his dad. He loves to put his scrambled eggs into his water cup and stir it all up. His favorite concoction. But the best part is when he drinks it all up. Yummo! Recipe is below...

2 tablespoons of water in favorite sparkle cup
2 handfuls of scrambled eggs that were cooked with yellow Kraft cheese and Paul Prudhom Seasoning.

Next mix with a plastic blue fork and drink up. Enjoy Ya!

Monday, August 13, 2007

Bacci Ball

It is never too early to learn to play Bacci Ball. Here is Dad showing Jojo how it all goes down.

Jo Jo's Grandpa's

That's Papa Joe on the left and Grandpa Bill on the right.

You've got some big shoes to fill bud

Here is Joseph trying on Grandpa's (my dad) shoes. Joseph played with them for hours trying to figure them out. When he finally got them on he took a few steps and then fell and then started the process over again. I have video as well but don't know how to upload it on here. Too bad.


Here are some of the millions of pictures I have of Joseph wearing his shades. He loves to accessorize:)

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Ours days in Laguna Beach

This is my favorite picture of Joseph on the Beach. I love how it looks like his Papa is teaching him about life. So precious!

Sunday, May 13, 2007

80's pics

I love these pictures of Joseph at the park. They remind me so much of the pictures of myself from the 80's. So innocent and no new technology to make him happy. Just some good old fashioned fun.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Baby needs a new pair of Shoes!

Here is Joseph at the Stride Rite testing out his new kicks. Let me tell you that shoesfor 13 months old are not cheap but for his first real pair we got to splurge a little. These are his blule suede shoes and he walks a little like Elvis in them because he is still learning how to walk.

Monday, March 5, 2007

More random Pics

Above is a picture you see quite often around our house. Joseph on the go with some object always in his hand. He never tires!

Thanks Gami for my cozy sweater!

Friday, March 2, 2007

All done!

If you were to ask Joseph what he did for his birthday and if he were able to speak... he would tell you that the highlight of his birthday was eating a cupcake and getting it EVERYWHERE! He picked the whole thing up with both hands and devoured it. Yes, now I am absolutely positively sure that this is my son. Unfortunately we do not have a picture of the aftermath, but I assure you that it was pretty gruesome.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

One Year Old Today!

Sigh...this year has gone so fast! But I must say that I have tried my very best to relilsh every moment that I spend with this sweet and beautiful child. Happy Birthday Joseph!

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Thank goodness for technology!

Dan just sent this picture to me from his cell phone while I am work. Now I am a happy mom:)

Monday, February 19, 2007

FOOD!!!!!! Birthday Fun

So this past weekend we celebrated Joseph's 1st birthday. His actual 1st birthday is the 27th and we will be celebrating it again. Yeah! More cake! He was introduced to pizza this weekend as well and as you can tell from the above picture he like it so much that resorted to stealing it from his big cousin Michael. After pizza he was given his very own cake which he proceeded to eat in its entirety. I love the last picture where I like to pretend he is covering his mouth while he burps. Such good manners. Oh and I almost forgot! He drank his very first glass of milk as well. It's going to be so nice not having to make formula every day!

Friday, February 9, 2007

Joseph's very first professional haircut

He is so serious in these pictures. The lady cut his hair very short and now he no longer looks like a baby. SO sad! But it had to be done sometime I guess.


Joseph loves shutting doors. He can do it for hours. The problem is that he can't quite figure out how to open them.