Sunday, September 23, 2007

The Petting Zoo

Lakeville had " Harvest Fest" this week so we decided to go. They had a petting zoo! Joseph was a little frightened at first, but he became more comfortable as time went on. It seemed as if he kept daring himself to go and touch the animals. He was giggling the whole time.He was very gentle with the animals. I thought that he would tear their hair out or something and cause pandemonium but he was a sweet little angel. Of course he was right;) ?!

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Uncle Greg!

Joseph just loves his Uncle Greg. Every time Joseph, Greg, and I go out together people automatically assume that Greg is Joseph's dad because they look so much alike. It's bizarre.

Joseph's Harem

I think that he will appreciate his picture with the Minnesota Viking Girls one day. He looks a little overwhelmed right now though. Too many mammaries.

Professional Family Picture Time

Ok, maybe not so professional. Dan couldn't get his whole face in because he was holding Joseph up. What a strong guy!

Sno Cone at the Minnesota State Fair!

Here is Joseph's very first sno cone....

Can you see Joseph's very first sno cone 1 minute later behind him?
Oh well.

After a long day at the Fair...

Asleep and dreaming of corn dogs and chocolate milk.

Sunday, September 2, 2007


These pictures make me so happy.

Joseph's First Bike

He is such a big boy now! Thanks Gami and Grandpa for the new Bike!