Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Happy 2nd Birthday Joseph!!!!

Wow! 2 years ago today who would have thought that we would have the cutest munchkin ever? Time has flown and we have certainly tried to cherish these days while Joseph is still small enough to snuggle and think what we say is the funniest thing ever or want to spend every waking second with us. So, Happy Birthday Joseph! Don't grow up too fast! We love you more than we ever thought possible.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Kum Ba Ya

So as I was driving tonight, I looked in the rear view mirror to see that Joseph had found his Diego sun glasses and was signing along ala Steve Wonder style to the cd that was playing "Kum Ba Ya". He was singing "" It was such a fantastic and funny moment that I grabbed my cell phone at the stop light and took a picture. What a cute little guy. He has no idea how hilarious and precious he is. I turned down the music and asked, are you singing? And he screamed "Mom! Music!", "Oops, soory" I said as I turned the volume back up.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

The Next Emeril Lagasse

Pour 1/2 cup of milk into a clear plastic cup
Cap with Lid and Straw
Pick only the finest 2 pickles
Gently pierce the pickles with the straw
Sip your milk like it is the best thing ever. yum scrumptious!

Monday, February 11, 2008

Before you judge me...

Actually don't judge me unless it's positive, because I don't want to hear it. Joseph loves his little puppy leash that Dan had me get for when I recently traveled out to California alone and man it was a life saver in the airport. This way he can explore whatever he wants at a close distance with out being electrocuted. I have only used this leash a few times but now I know how important it is not to judge other parents for what they choose to do. I think our dog Zoey was a bit jealous in this picture.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Uber Cute

This is such a great picture. Joseph does everything his cousin Michael does including warming up next to the fire after a day of ice skating. He's looking at him like "we're big boys huh?"

Ice Skating Here We GO!

So we went with the fam to Centenial Lakes to go ice skating in 20 degree weather. Because what else do you do when it is warm out in Minnesota?

Here is what Joseph wore...

1 hat
1 t shirt
1 thermal shirt
1 hooded sweat shirt
1 pair of thermal pants
1 pair of jeans
1 pair of bibs
1 jacket
He also wore mom's gloves (mine) because his kept falling off (to all of my 3 readers, can someone please invent a pair that stays on? Thanks!)

I kid you not, after all of this when we were standing by the lockers just before we were about to head out on the ice, Joseph says "Poo Poo mama". But thank goodness that also means pee pee to him and we were all good. Phew. I still like diapers for that reason.

They have these wonderful contraptions for toddlers that you can put them on to push them around on the ice and we belted Joseph in with my scarf. Now I was minus gloves and a scarf but with all the action I really wasn't cold. Aah the things we sacrafice for our children:)
When we got out on the ice Joseph was in heaven. I though he might be scared considering he sometimes is fearful of merry go rounds but he giggled the whole time, especially when his Papa spun him around. What a great day.